About Lisa Hamilton

Lisa Hamilton’s dazzling paintings invite viewers into a realm where color is the universal
language. Stand back from a painting and let your eyes move along the vivid, harmonious
blends of color. Step closer and notice each design is not as solid as it seems. The structures of
the works weave and braid, but never loose balance. The starbursts, intersections and horizons
are made of lines coming and going from somewhere else. Each painting seems to be a swatch
or a detail taken from a larger reality that continues outside the frame.
The artist explains it best: “I utilize color and pattern to investigate how the perception od
space is constructed and how it can be seen as flexible. I seek to explore how the experience of
looking can be suspended over time, and how an image can develop with duration. When this
happens, a work begins to defy the static nature commonly attribute to objects and occupy an
animated state of perceptual evolution. To reveal something about the dynamic nature of
visual understanding is one of my goals.”
Lisa Hamilton received her MFA from Hunter College and her BFA from The Cooper Union. She
has exhibited throughout the United States and Japan. She received a NYFA artist grant for
painting and has participated in residencies such as MacDowell, Yaddo, and the Atlantic Center
for the Arts, and the Vermont Studio Center. She lives in Norfolk, CT. https://lisahamilton.net/



Suite 401


By appointment